Monday, May 21, 2018

Basic blogging guide for SEO

I sometimes get asked by clients for a quick guide on how to create blog posts that help with website Search Engine Optimisation. 

So here is a very quick guide to writing blog posts for SEO:
  • Create blog posts regularly (one per week is better than 3 in one week & non for the next two)
  • Create one post for each subject (e.g. one keyword / search term) as prioritised in your keyword strategy* 
  • Write approx 300 words (if many more are written, consider dividing the post into two or more)
  • Write normally and don't worry about 'old school' keyword stuffing
  • Title = approx 55 characters
  • Meta Description =  approx 155 characters (but we are seeing examples where this can be up to 300 characters for some clients now)
  • Meta Keywords = [ignore these, most search engines do too]
  • Analyse the traffic to each blog post (where this traffic comes from, bounce rate, conversions generated, etc.)
  • Do more of what work and do less of what doesn't

*What do you mean you don't have a keyword strategy?

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