Monday, April 25, 2011

Do you still need both a website and a Facebook page?

A friend of mine has a great little comedy club website on which he sells tickets for each of his shows ( –yes, we did build it for him!. He also has a Facebook presence where he uploads the same contentl as the site (without the transactional capability). We’ve been discussing over the last few months whether it is right to move his eCommerce website to just a Facebook page that has the same functionality. This potential move would save on the management of two online properties by recreating the ability to sell tickets via PayPal and then redirecting the current domain to the Facebook URL.

The discussions we’ve had really hinges around whether a Facebook page/site would provide the same comprehensive offer to all customers that the website would. And here’s the important point… whilst Facebook has now become a huge platform for brands to interact and engage with their followers, it doesn’t have every Internet user as a member…

So while Facebook is becoming (or has become, depending upon your view) the biggest relationship marketing tool for brand, you must consider your entire audience and not just the majority. So if you have only a small percentage of your target audience (e.g. 10%) not using Facebook, then you’ve not only got to keep your social media platform presence going, but also your website.

But consider the future. What happens when not just 90% of your target audience is on Facebook, but 99%, or even 99.9%? Doesn’t that make it a more compelling argument to only use just one online presence?

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